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Angels' Academy Sr. Sec. School


Established on April 1992 | CBSE Affiliation Number : 3530177

CBSE School Code : 81410

Angels' Academy Sr. Sec. School


Established in September 1993 | CBSE Affiliation No. 3530177

CBSE School Code : 81410

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Thought of the Day

"Work hard stay positive & get up early. It's the best part of the day."

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Senior Wing


    At Senior Wing of the Angels' Academy Sr. Sec. School, the art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. Teachers do not discover, they ‘assist’ discovery. Teachers, like beacon lights, use different pedagogies to steer different learning outcomes from different set of students at different points of time. Education imparted here liberates our students from negative tendencies and ignorance about their potentials.

    The prime focus at the senior level is to bring forth innovation in teaching-learning methodologies by devising student friendly and student centered paradigms, thus lending a ‘real time fun filled impactful experience’.

    The Senior Wing, with classes from IX to XII standard, is being run in the oldest building to which the school established in 1992 was shifted in 1998. The premises of the senior wing provide ideal environment for studies. Students are provided a neat, clean, hygienic and serene environment for studies. The greenery with flowers all around fills the heart with pleasure.


Subject Combination Available for Class IX and X – Session: 2022-2023

Secondary Level ( IX & X ) English, Hindi, Math’s, Science, Social Science, Information Technology

Subject Combination Available for Class XI - Session 2022-2023

As per NEP – 2020, the school offers the following groups of subjects. A student needs to select one of the following groups and subject combination in the group.

Subject Group Subjects
Group - 1 1. English Core (Compulsory)
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Biology / Mathematics
5. Physical Education / Yoga / Geography / Banking / Hindi
6. Computer Science / Painting
Group - 2 1. English Core (Compulsory)
2. Accountancy
3. Business Studies
4. Economics
5. Physical Education / Yoga / Geography / Banking / Hindi / Applied Mathematics
6. Informatics Practices / Painting
Group - 3 1. English Core (Compulsory)
2. History
3. Political Science
4. Economics
5. Physical Education / Yoga / Geography / Banking / Hindi / Applied Mathematics
6. Informatics Practices / Painting